Piano Lessons


Weekdays & Saturday Afternoons

For students ages 6 and above

You child will work through method books that are appropriate for their style and level of learning and develop technique through finger exercises and scales. They will be taught basic theory in written form, aural skills, sight reading and be exposed to improvisation and making their own compositions. Method books are supplemented with additional repertoire to cater for the student's developing interests. Your child will also have the opportunity to participate in recitals.

Individual lessons commence for a duration of 30 minutes for younger students and may increase to 45 minutes as they get older or more proficient in order to cater to their learning requirements.

Piano Examinations

Students are encouraged to take on AMEB (Australian Music Examinations Board) or TCL (Trinity College London) piano practical and theory examinations if they desire. These exams require preparation and a high standard of playing. Lesson duration will vary on the exam level and syllabus requirements.

Adult Piano Lessons

It is never too later to start learning an instrument you have always wanted to learn no matter how old you are. Students are encouraged to learn at their own pace and are given the necessary individual support in order to rekindle a forgotten passion to play piano or explore the desire to learn piano afresh.

Please contact to check rates and availability